Welcome to Career Technical Education!

We are excited to share with you some of the many things about Monroe County Career Technical Center (MCCTC). Our Center employs twelve professionals and 1 support staff employee. This group includes 1 Secretary/Bookkeeper, 2 Business Information Technology teachers, 1 Health Science teacher, 1 Cosmetology teacher, 1 JAG Specialist, 1 Agriscience teacher, 1 Building Construction teacher, 1 Career Coach, 1 Guidance Counselor, 2 Jr. ROTC teachers, and 1 Administrator. The faculty at MCCTC equips students with the life skills and knowledge necessary to prepare them for lifelong learning.

Monroe County Career Technical Education offers a challenging curriculum to students in 9th-12th grade. MCCTC empowers students with the work-readiness skills necessary for success in the twenty-first century. Career-empower students are productive citizens who are prepared with knowledge and skills for postsecondary education or for employment. MCCTC classrooms provide an opportunity for all students to combine academics with other higher-caliber learning experiences.

Monroe County Career Technical Center offers Business Information Technology, Cooperative Education, Health Science, Cosmetology, General Agriculture, Building Construction, JROTC, and Jobs for Alabama's Graduates (JAG).

This school year, credentialing of 12th grade students will be offered in all programs.  Credentialing is recognized nationwide, and gives students an opportunity to present certificates to employers which state they have been trained and are highly qualified for specific jobs.  This school year, we will offer the following credentialing: Army JROTC Certificate, National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) in General Agriculture, Certified Medical Administrative Assistant & Certified Nursing Assistant in Health Science, Natural Hair Styling Licensure and Customer Service & Sales in Cosmetology, National Center for Construction Education and Research in Building Construction, and Microsoft Office Specialist in Business Information Technology.

In addition, the Monroe County Career and Technical Center has established articulation agreements and partnership with postsecondary institutions, which will allow for a seamless transition for students pursuing opportunities for continued education.  To assist with this process, Kuder is utilized by students in 8th through 12th grades in Monroe County schools.

The faculty and administration of Monroe County Career Technical Center believe that students must keep abreast of the rapid changes in business and industry by offering students a rigorous array of coursework to help prepare them for advanced learning and a wide range of career opportunities. Picnic tables, shooting houses, and cardio-treadmills are a few of the many live projects that are built by our students in the General Agriculture class. These items are sold to the public, and the proceeds are used to benefit their club, the Future Farmers of America (FFA). Our philosophy is to prepare youth for entry-level employment in a specific occupational field, or for future education appropriate to the student's occupational objective. "Our goal at MCCTC is "Building Careers & Preparing Futures".  

Edna Richardson, CTE Director and Principal

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