Title I At Risk

Title I provides Reading and/or Math Instruction for students identified at the local school.  A Title I school must have at least 40% of its student population qualify for free or reduced lunch. Services can be delivered in a variety of ways:  pull out, in class, or early intervention. Title I funds, along with other Federal, State, and local funds, can be used to operate a "school-wide program" to upgrade the instructional program for the whole school. Programs must use instructional strategies based on scientifically based research and implement parental involvement activities.

If a student in your class is having academic problems, you may wish to discuss it with the Title I teacher at your school or you may call the Federal Programs Director at 251-743-2150 ext. 1003.

Professional Development is a major part of the Title I Program. We work closely with schools to determine their professional development needs and to locate funding for those identified needs.


MCBOE LEA Title 1 Plan
Parent Rights Notice
MCBOE Principal Attestations

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