Title III ELL English Language Learner
Title III is a portion of funding for the English Language Program. The purpose of Title III is to ensure that ELs, including immigrant children and youth, attain English proficiency, develop high levels of academic attainment in English, and meet the same challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards as all children are expected to meet, and to assist State and local agencies to develop and enhance their capacity to provide high-quality instructional programs.
EL Mission It is the goal of all school personnel, including regular classroom teachers, special education teachers, gifted education teachers, after-school staff, summer school staff, at-risk instructors, counselors, and administrators, to help each student make yearly progress on standardized evaluations and reach the highest possible levels of English language and academic proficiency in the shortest time possible.In the Monroe County School (MCBOE) System, regular teachers are the primary instructors, and the EL staff is supplemental. WIDA/SDAIE Strategies will focus on key concepts and key vocabulary while using visual and organizational support to ensure second language acquisition in the core curriculum.