Gifted Services

Intellectually gifted children and youth are those who perform at or have the potential to perform at high levels in academic or creative fields when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment.

The Monroe County Board of Education would like to inform all stakeholders that services are provided for intellectually and creatively gifted students. The Monroe County Public School System realizes that gifted students are unique and have special needs and interests. Because of these needs, a gifted program was established to serve the intellectually and creatively gifted in Monroe County.

The gifted program should not be seen only as an acceleration or extension of regular classroom activities, but rather work and activities independent of the regular curriculum. A differentiated curriculum is provided to challenge the students to reach their potentials. Activities that foster the growth and development of leadership abilities are included in the program. Gifted and talented students are assisted in understanding the moral implication of their gifts. The program enables gifted and creative students to make positive and beneficial contributions to their community and society both now and in the future.

Gifted Program

    Our Curriculum

    Our focus is on concept-based learning.

    We emphasize the real-world application of knowledge acquired within the general education classroom. While at LE, gifted students are provided with a variety of activities to challenge them. We incorporate broad topics that promote problem solving and individual interests.

    Our curriculum features:

    • Critical Thinking

    • Creative Thinking

    • Problem Solving

    • Field Trips

    • Service Learning

    Parent Resources
    Teacher Resources

    Today's classroom is no longer a homogenous group of learners. Differentiating the curriculum can be an exhausting task, especially when teaching materials are not easily accessible. Our goal is to help provide you with the tools to make your jobs easier!

    Check out this article with links to differentiation strategies for gifted students!

    Referral Information

    Any student attending a public school within the Monroe County School System may be referred for evaluation by his or her parent/guardian, teacher, school personnel, self, or other individuals having knowledge of the student. Referral forms may be acquired from the office of Special Services or from the student's school (251-743-2150).

    Once parental permission has been obtained, any student being considered for gifted services will be evaluated in order to obtain information on intelligence, creativity, behavior and achievement. All accumulated information and the psycho-educational report on each student will then be reviewed by the Eligibility Determination Team (EDT) at each school to determine eligibility.

    About the Program

    As part of the Monroe County Learning Enrichment Program, students have the opportunity to participate in activities that would not be possible in the typical classroom. Students are expoesd to real world problem solving and concept-based learning. The program also integrates many fun, educational field trips. These aspects of the program engage students in hands-on activities which incorporate learning concepts with current events, art, creative writing and STEAM projects.

    Gifted pullout offers a two week rotating schedule, which allows the students to come to the Learning Enrichment classroom every-other week for a full day of instruction, activities and needed time with gifted peers.