Monroe County RTI Process

    Tier 1

    This is whole group or small group instruction provided to all students using the core curriculum. Universal screeners are inclusive in this tier. Please refer to the Universal Screening schedule that is available on our school district website.

    Math: The classroom teacher must provide 60 minutes of uninterrupted math instruction using the currently adopted math program.

    Reading: The classroom teacher must provide 90 minutes of uninterrupted reading using the currently adopted reading program.

    Question: When does a student move to Tier 2?

    If a student is at risk of failing a subject or scores below a benchmark on a screener and your best practices aren’t helping the student be successful, that student will need to go to Tier 2.

    Tier 2

    Question: What do you need to get started?

    ·         Parent Communications-documented dates and details

    ·         Number of : absences, tardies, office referrals

    ·         Report Card grades

    ·         Work samples

    ·         Universal Screener data

    ·         State Assessment data

    ·       ** ILP data**

    Question: What forms should be completed?

    ·         Tier 2 Documentation (referral). This is a 2 page form. (RTI form 2)

    ·         Send home vision/hearing screening permission form for parent to sign. This form should be sent to the school nurse when the parent permission form is returned and she will perform this test. Be sure to get the results.

    Question: Who should set up the meeting?

    The classroom teacher is responsible for setting up the meeting and notifying their pair teacher (if applicable) and other members of the meeting date and time.

    Question: Who are the Tier 2 team members?

    Each Tier 2 team is a grade level team, but must have at least three members:

    ·         A teacher serving as leader

    ·         A teacher serving as recorder (responsible for keeping the minutes and log updates)

    ·         A teacher serving as a strategist

    ·         Other members can include: reading coach, counselor, administrator

    Question: What should be on the meeting agenda?

    ·         Discuss intervention strategies that would help the student.

    ·         Develop a Tier 2 plan for the student.

    ·         Complete the Tier 2 plan form (RTI form 3-A).

    ·         Use the 2nd page of the Tier 2 Referral (RTI form 2) to record the minutes from the meeting. Team members should sign this page.

    ·         Set date and time for a follow up meeting in 2 weeks.

    Question: How often should the Tier 2 meetings take place and what data is needed at each meeting?

    ·         Tier 2 meetings are held every 2 weeks and are set up by the classroom teacher.

    The following questions should be answered at each meeting:

    1.      How many students were in the intervention group?

    2.      How many times a week did the child receive intervention?

    3.      How many times did you try to do intervention?

    4.      How long was each intervention session?

    5.      How often was data collected?

    6.      How many data points were collected?

    ·         Bring any of the following applicable data to the meeting: universal screener reports, progress monitoring data , ILP reports, grades, work samples.

    Question: What should be discussed at the meeting and what forms should be completed during each Tier 2 meeting?

    ·         Discuss student progress, problems, what works, what doesn’t work and decide if the Tier 2 plan needs to be changed or if you want to continue with the current Tier 2 plan. Tier 2 interventions should be changed every 3-4 weeks if they aren’t effective.

    ·         Complete the following forms during EACH Tier 2 meeting:

    1.      Tier 2 Monitoring Log/Meeting minutes ( RTI form 3-B). Team members should sign this form.

    2.      Tier 2 Monitoring Log/Monitoring Tools and Results (RTI form 3-B).

    3.      RTI Activity Log (RTI form 1)

    4.      Fidelity check sheet for Tiers 2 and 3 (RTI form 6)

    ·         A date and time for a follow up meeting should be set. This meeting should occur 2 weeks from the meeting day.

    Question: How often should this process be repeated?

    The process should be tried for 6-12 weeks. If there is little or no improvement after 6-12 weeks, the student will need to be moved to Tier 3.

    Question: What should Tier 2 intervention look like?

    ·         The classroom teacher usually provides Tier 2 intervention for a minimum of 6 weeks, but it can continue for as long as 12 weeks.

    ·         Intervention should be provided daily for 30 minutes and the following information should be documented: (1) what is done during the intervention, (2) how it is done, (3) who it is done with, (4) and the duration of the intervention.

    ·         Tier 2 Math intervention can include: small group extra practice, small group with manipulatives, Flash Cards, Study Buddies, and Successmaker*.

    ·         Tier 2 Reading intervention can include: peer tutoring, reteaching in small group, re-reading, fluency practice, Read Naturally, and Successmaker*.

    *Be careful when placing a student on Succesmaker for your main Tier 2 intervention. If a student happens to need Tier 3, there will need to be a different intervention in place.

    Recap of Tier 2 Forms:

    ·         RTI form 2 (2 pages)

    ·         Vision/hearing screening parent permission form

    ·         RTI form 3-A

    ·         RTI form 6

    ·         RTI form 3-B (2 pages)

    ·         RTI form 1

    Tier 3

    Did you know?

    **1.      The Tier 3 process does not have to lead to a special education referral or grade retention, but it is a requirement for a special education referral and grade retention. **  Special education referrals must include written documentation that a student has been taken through all 3 Tiers.

    2.      In order for a student to be referred for special education testing, the student must have received 12 weeks of Tiers 2 and 3 combined. Also, there must be documentation of 6 data points.

    Question: What do you need to get started with Tier 3?

    ·         All documentation from the student’s Tier 2 interventions should be provided.

    ·         Inform your school counselor or other designee that a Tier 3 meeting is necessary. That person should send a letter to the parent, inviting them to the initial Tier 3 meeting.

    ·         A parent survey (RTI form 9) should be sent home. This information may be beneficial when developing the Tier 3 plan, and must be completed if the student is referred for special services.

    Question: What forms need to be completed?

    A Tier 3 referral form ( RTI form 4) should be completed. A copy should be submitted to the school counselor.

    Question: Who is responsible for setting up the Tier 3 meeting?

    The Tier 3 leader (administrator) is responsible for setting up the meeting and notifying all team members of the meeting date and time.

    Question: Who are the Tier 3 team members?

    Tier 3 members involve the parent, classroom teacher, interventionist, reading coach, counselor, and administrator.

    Question: What should be discussed at this meeting?

    ·         Intervention strategies that would help the student

    ·         A plan for Tier 3 intervention

    ·         Tier 3 Plan should be completed (RTI Form 5)

    ·         The last page of the Tier 3 Plan (RTI form 5) should be used to record the minutes from the meeting. Team members should sign this page.

    ·         A date and time for a follow-up meeting should be set. This meeting should be 2 weeks from the initial meeting. Parents are invited monthly.

    Question: How often should the Tier 3 meetings take place and what data is needed at each meeting?

    ·         Tier 3 meetings are held every 2 weeks and are set up by the classroom teacher.

    The following questions should be answered at each meeting:

    1.      How many students were in the intervention group?

    2.      How many times a week did the child receive intervention?

    3.      How many times did you try to do intervention?

    4.      How long was each intervention session?

    5.      How often was data collected?

    6.      How many data points were collected?

    ·         Bring any of the following applicable data to the meeting: Universal Screener reports, progress monitoring data, ILP reports, grades, work samples.

    Question: What should be discussed at the meeting and what forms should be completed during each Tier 3 meeting?

    ·         Discuss student progress, problems, what works, what doesn’t work and decide if the Tier 3 plan needs to be changed or if you want to continue with the current Tier 3 plan. Tier 3 interventions should be changed every 3-4 weeks if they aren’t effective.

    ·         Complete the following forms during EACH Tier 3 meeting:

    1. Tier 3 Monitoring Log/Meeting minutes ( RTI form 3-B). Team members should sign this form.

    2. Tier 3 Monitoring Log/Monitoring Tools and Results (RTI form 3-B).

    3. RTI Activity Log (RTI form 1)

    4. Fidelity check sheet for Tiers 2 and 3 (RTI form 6)

    ·         A date and time for a follow up meeting should be set. This meeting should occur 2 weeks from the meeting day.

    Question: How often should this process be repeated?

    The process should be tried for 6-12 weeks. If the student is still not making adequate progress, the special education referral process should begin.

    Question: What should Tier 3 intervention look like?

    ·         Tier 3 is intensive intervention provided daily for 60 minutes (30 for Tier 2 and 30 for Tier 3).

    ·         Tier 3 intervention can be provided by classroom teacher, paraprofessional, interventionist, special education teacher. It can be outside the classroom.

    ·         The student will typically miss a subject area (Science or Social Studies) in order for this intervention to be provided.

    ·         Tier 3 interventions for Math can include: STAR Math,Accelerated Math/Freckle Math, Classworks or Math interventionist

    ·         Tier 3 interventions for Reading can include: Research-based Reading materials, SPIRE/iSPIRE, Failure Free Reading, Reading Coach, Read Naturally, or Reading interventionist

    ·         The following information should be documented: (1) what is done during the intervention, (2) how it is done, (3) who it is done with, (4) and the duration of the intervention.

    Recap of Tier 3 Forms:

    ·         RTI form 4

    ·         Letter of invitation to parent

    ·         RTI form 9

    ·         RTI form 5

    ·         RTI form 6

    ·         RTI form 1

    ·         RTI form 3-B

    Special Education

    Question: What do you need to get started?

    ·         ALL documentation from the time the student spent in Tiers 2 and 3. You must have 12 weeks of documentation.

    ·         You must show proof of having 6 data points. The Tier 3 team will help you get information on the Summary Sheet for Special Education Referral (RTI form 8).

    ·         Complete the RTI Evaluation Referral Checklist (RTI form 10). Attach all required forms.

    ·         School administration should sign RTI form 10.

    ·         Give copies of the entire referral packet to the special education teacher who serves your grade level.

    ·         Tier 3 team will get the Tier 3 documents to the special education teacher.

    Question: What happens if the student qualifies for special education?

    Special education personnel will develop and carry out the plan for this student. General education and Special Education will collaborate to help the student.

    Question: What happens if the student does NOT qualify for special education?

    The student will remain in Tier 3 intervention. The Tier 3 plan should be revised based on the Special Education test results.

    Recap of forms for Special Education process:

    ·         RTI form 10

    ·         RTI form 8

    ·         Summary of Re-Evaluation Data